Monday, June 2, 2008

First Mommy's Day Gift

So thrilled! When daddy buys you stuff and makes a card for the baby to scribble her signature, it is cute and all... But this gift she made me in the church nursery is soooooo adorable!

Maybe with time all the hand prints, colored pictures, macaroni necklaces, etc. will lose their magic, but, for now, I'll proudly display this little treasure, because it means so much. And I don't care one bit that she really didn't want to make it (she hates getting her hands dirty) ... What really matters is that it was done, and it is mine! Almost like a recognition for the sleepless nights, the messy kitchens, the dirty diapers and the crayon art in my walls.

1 comment:

Warner Family said...

she may not have wanted to get her hand panted. But she loved seeing it when it was done. So is a dolly